Every year, PioneerRx sponsors a pharmacy software survey from Direct Opinions, an independent market research firm. Pharmacy Software Reviews compiles the results of the survey, show here.

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Pharmacy Software Reviews

Blog: Your Guide to Choosing a Pharmacy Software

Read our blog for advice and best practices when researching a software system for your pharmacy. Learn about questions to ask in the buying process, what to be aware of when reading online reviews, and how to find a software that is right for your pharmacy.

pharmacy app

This is Why Your Pharmacy Needs a Mobile App

October 10, 2024

Forget the creepy-crawlies and the heebie-jeebies: an overflowing pharmacy is enough to incite fear in the heart of any pharmacist. Phone lines are ringing, patients are flooding in, and techs are getting more and more frazzled with each passing minute.

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6 Game-Changing Features to Look for in Your Pharmacy Software

September 26, 2024

Choosing the right pharmacy software can make or break your business. While many systems offer the basic features and functionalities, some do much more. The best systems give you advanced features that can improve your workflow, increase your efficiency, and improve your patient satisfaction.

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pharmacy hardware

10 Pieces of Hardware to Supplement Your Pharmacy Software

September 12, 2024

So, you’ve chosen the right pharmacy software. What comes next? To supplement any software, you should have several pieces of hardware in your pharmacy. Hardware works hand-in-hand with software, making day-to-day operations smoother and allowing your pharmacy to run like a well-oiled machine.

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open a pharmacy

7 Questions to Decide if You Should Open a Pharmacy

August 29, 2024

For many independent pharmacists, ownership is the ultimate goal. When you open a pharmacy, you can branch out on your own, expand your reach and responsibilities, and decide how you want to serve your patients.

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pharmacy news

9 Places to Get Your Pharmacy News

August 15, 2024

In an industry as fast paced as pharmacy, it can be hard to keep up. Breaking news, updates, and other important information come out every day, many of which directly affect your pharmacy and the way you do business. With so much to know, and so little time to do it, you may find it hard to stay up to date.

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How to Break Down a Pharmacy Software Quote

August 1, 2024

If you’re on the hunt for a new pharmacy software, you know the price has to be right. When you fill out an interest form, schedule a demo, or talk to a software representative in the initial stages of your search, you should get a quote that breaks down how much you can expect to pay for your potential software.

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pharmacy organizations

9 Pharmacy Organizations You Should Consider Joining

July 18, 2024

Independent pharmacies may be smaller than big-box chains, but by joining forces, they can amplify their voices and get recognition on the national stage. Pharmacy organizations — both big and small — unite pharmacy professionals, advocate on their behalf, and provide valuable resources...

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pharmacy software

5 Ways to Save on Your Next Pharmacy Software

July 4, 2024

In your independent pharmacy, you expect your software system to do a few things: record patient information, provide important insights, and equip you with the right tools to ensure the best possible care for patients. This probably includes features for dispensing, medication management, insurance billing, and reimbursement...

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5 Custom Features to Try in Your Pharmacy Software

June 20, 2024

No two pharmacies are alike. While many pharmacies offer similar services 一 from filling prescriptions to administering vaccines and more 一 they each adapt to meet their own needs and reach their own goals. Depending on your patient base, you may specialize in a particular service.

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8 Summer Essentials to Boost Your Pharmacy’s Front-End Sales

June 6, 2024

It’s summertime: Temperatures are rising, and so are opportunities to boost your pharmacy’s front end.As patients get ready for beach trips, bike rides, and summer travel plans, they’ll need to stock up on summer essentials — and what better place to get them than your independent pharmacy?

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pharmacy software integration

6 Pharmacy Software Integrations You Should Be Using

May 23, 2024

Your pharmacy software system does a lot for you: it manages prescriptions, tracks inventory, ensures compliance, streamlines patient communication, and — most importantly — enables you to care for your patients. But, while your stand-alone system does so much, it can do even more with integrations.

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5 Things to Keep in Mind When Buying Pharmacy Software

May 9, 2024

When it comes to your pharmacy, there are few purchases that matter more than your software.Your pharmacy software controls every aspect of your business, from scripts to clinical services to claims and adjudication. With so much riding on your software, you should be careful when it comes to picking the right one.

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pharmacy reports

10 Reports Your Pharmacy Should Be Running

April 25, 2024

Reporting plays an important role in any pharmacy’s operations. With the right reports, you gain valuable insights into your pharmacy's finances and operations and discover new ways to improve your business. In the process, you can strengthen your services and clinical care practices.

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med sync

How to Start a Med Sync Program in Your Pharmacy

April 11, 2024

More than 5,000 pharmacies offer med sync programs, according to the American Pharmacists Association. Medication synchronization, or med sync for short, is a program in which patients pick up all their medications on one day, not different days throughout the month.

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travel vaccine

How to Start a Travel Vaccine Service in Your Pharmacy

March 28, 2024

Roughly three-quarters of Americans (76%) have visited at least one other country, according to the Pew Research Center. While international travel can bring new experiences, opportunities, and connections, it can also bring new health risks that your pharmacy can minimize from right within your four walls.

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drug interactions

8 Tips to Prevent Drug Interactions in Your Pharmacy

March 14, 2024

When you prescribe a medication to patients, you expect it to help them. Maybe it handles their high blood pressure, reduces their cholesterol, or eases chronic pain they may be facing. But, as a pharmacist, you also expect that you may face dangers. Enter the world of drug interactions.

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clinical services

4 Up-and-Coming Clinical Services Your Pharmacy Should Try

February 29, 2024

In 2024, your pharmacy probably already offers the basics: point-of-care testing, immunizations, chronic care management, and more. These clinical services are the foundation for many pharmacies, helping you improve your patients’ health journeys and open up new revenue streams for your pharmacy.

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pharmacy licenses

A New Pharmacist’s Guide to Pharmacy Licenses and Registration

February 15, 2024

If you’re fresh out of pharmacy school and ready to start your career, you’ll need to check off a few boxes first. Whether you’re joining a pharmacy team for the first time or jumping right into the world of ownership, you’ll need to meet certain licensing requirements to start your practice.

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medication adherenece

The Top 5 Pharmacy Software Features for Medication Adherence

February 1, 2024

Medication adherence is a top priority for every independent pharmacy. Adherence is achieved when patients take their prescription medications exactly as prescribed, leading to more effective treatment plans and better health outcomes.

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What to Expect from Pharmacy Software in 2024

January 18, 2024

The world of independent pharmacy is always changing. Every year, pharmacists get new rights and responsibilities, clinical opportunities, and chances to serve their communities. Whether it be extending prescribing, telepharmacy visits, or operational updates...

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pharmacy software system

The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Pharmacy Software System in 2024

January 4, 2024

In the new year, your independent pharmacy can reach new heights. For many pharmacies, the new year invites an opportunity to consider your current operations, make changes, and create a plan for moving forward for the next 12 months.

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state pharmacy association

5 Reasons Why You Should Join Your State Pharmacy Association

December 21, 2023

Every day, your pharmacy is filled with patients, staff, and community members — picking up scripts, getting seasonal vaccines, and trying to optimize their health. But even with so many people around you every day...

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pharmacy strategies

6 Pharmacy Strategies for a Successful Holiday Season

December 7, 2023

Pharmacy is always hectic, but during the holiday season, it might feel more akin to chaos.With last-minute travel plans and prescription refills, vaccines and seasonal sicknesses, and all of the holiday party shenanigans, your schedule...

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board of pharmacy

How the Board of Pharmacy Can Help Your Practice

November 23, 2023

As a pharmacist, you're already familiar with the pivotal role you play in patients’ health journeys, but have you ever wondered about the organization that governs the profession and ensures you can impact your patients?

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pharmacy data

6 Foolproof Ways to Keep Your Pharmacy Data Safe

November 9, 2023

In the last 10 years, data breaches have led to the loss, theft, or exposure of over 250 million healthcare records. In the process, they’ve exposed sensitive patient health information (PHI) and business records...

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What is Telepharmacy?: Challenges, Opportunities, and Outlook

October 26, 2023

Picture a world where pharmacy knows no boundaries — where patients receive expert medication management, chronic condition monitoring, and clinical services at the touch of a button.

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pharmacy accessibility

How to Make Your Pharmacy More Accessible

October 12, 2023

Accessibility is at the heart of every independent pharmacy — but are you doing enough to meet the needs of all your patients?

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dispensing process

10 Tips & Tricks for Efficient Prescription Dispensing

September 28, 2023

In every independent pharmacy, efficiency is the name of the game. Because you see so many patients, perform so many services, and juggle so many tasks, you have no choice but to be efficient. For many pharmacies, one of the best ways to be more efficient is to optimize the dispensing process.

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5 Easy Ways to Make Your Pharmacy More Eco-Friendly

September 14, 2023

Environmental sustainability isn’t a new idea, but for many businesses, it’s one that’s becoming more and more important. Amid ongoing climate concerns, many businesses want to do their part to reverse course, take a stand, and protect the environment...

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augmented reality / virtual reality

Explore Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in Your Pharmacy

August 31, 2023

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are two new revolutionary kinds of technology — and they might be coming to your pharmacy sooner than you think. If you’ve ever worn VR goggles or played immersive games (like Pokémon GO), you’re already familiar with these technologies.

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How to Pick the Right Pharmacy Software System

August 10, 2023

Opening a pharmacy is no small task. Whether you’re picking a location, hiring new staff, or assembling your pharmacy inventory, you need to put your best foot forward. Such is absolutely the case when it comes to your pharmacy software system. Choosing the right software for your independent pharmacy is a decision...

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How to Stay on Top of New Pharmacy Laws and Regulations

August 3, 2023

The pharmacy world is always changing. There’s always a new piece of technology that can enhance your workflow or productivity hack to handle peak business hours. Then there’s the legal side of things. The legal side of pharmacy is a wide-ranging and complex part of the job. Though it can appear convoluted...

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pharmacy workflow

How to Further Streamline Your Pharmacy Workflow

July 27, 2023

Pharmacy work is never static. It ebbs and flows according to that day’s climate. Some days are calm and steady, whereas others feel like nothing is going your way. Whether you’re a pharmacist or technician, it’s necessary to adjust to whatever comes your way. The best solution is to have a streamlined pharmacy workflow...

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patient relationships

Optimize Patient Relationships Through Technology

July 20, 2023

Patients come to your independent pharmacy to get their prescriptions filled. They come back for another reason: trust. They trust you and your pharmacy staff with their health journey’s trajectory. The relationship between patient and pharmacist is sacred. Patients go to the same pharmacy for several years for many reasons: it’s close by, they don’t charge...

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24-hour Pharmacy - Is It Worth It?

July 13, 2023

Pharmacy work is an around-the-clock job. For many, getting called in and filling in for another person are part of the job. It’s simply part of the program. For 24-hour pharmacies, the “around-the-clock” bit is a literal element of the work. 24-hour pharmacies are a part of the industry that doesn’t get discussed much. If you're an aspiring pharmacy owner, consider the following financial, logistical, and patient care aspects of a 24-hour pharmacy...

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Maximize Your Cash Flow with Over-the-Counter Products

July 6, 2023

Pharmacy products go beyond prescription items. Your pharmacy sells a large variety of vitamins, supplements, and other products beyond your shelves. Just because they aren’t behind the counter doesn’t mean they can’t pack a punch. Contrary to popular belief, your pharmacy’s over-the-counter products pack quite the healthcare punch. In many instances, they are an express ticket to better health...

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What is a Pharmacy Audit? +3 Ways to Prepare for Them

June 29, 2023

Pharmacy work requires you to be on top of everything. You and your staff maintain a steady workflow throughout the day, ensuring your patients get the care they need. Then we get to the behind-the-scenes part of the job. The nitty-gritty of pharmacy work requires the same close attention to detail. On the patient care side of things, a five-star survey or positive online review lets you know your independent pharmacy is doing well...

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What You Need to Know About Remote Pharmacy Work

June 22, 2023

Pharmacy work is always evolving, especially over the last three years. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is seen everywhere, whether in supply chain or within your independent pharmacy. Many industries have taken the plunge into remote work. Whether jobs are hybrid or completely remote, the remote work model is seemingly here to stay....

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Elevate Your Pharmacy’s Profits with Specialty Pharmacy Services

June 15, 2023

The pharmacy industry is full of different avenues and roads, for both patients and pharmacists. Patients can go to a pharmacy of their choosing and then go to another if they seek better or more specialized services. For pharmacists, you can be the one who provides that better, more specialized service. Pharmacists wear many hats and those hats can lead you to new ways to provide excellent patient care...

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How to Manage the Current Pharmacist Shortage

June 8, 2023

The last few years have shaken up the pharmacy industry in several ways. After the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, you have likely experienced a dramatic change in your independent pharmacy’s supply chain, workflow, and staff. It’s another story for independent pharmacists. Staff pharmacists are there for the long haul, having at least eight years of college education to wear that white coat...

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Explore the True Value of Pharmacy Techs

June 1, 2023

It takes a village to run a successful independent pharmacy. A coach is nothing without their players and vice versa. Teamwork is a vital element in establishing a great workflow. And in the pharmacy industry, few are as vital to an independent pharmacy’s success as pharmacy techs. They are your pharmacy’s star players, ready and able to take on the busy day ahead...

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Learn About the Current State of Pharmacy Automation

May 25, 2023

Innovation is never idle. It doesn’t stop to take a breather or let the rest of the competition catch up. It’s an ongoing process of trial and error, ultimately leading to success. But just like innovation, success is not evergreen. The saying goes that you are only a success for the moment you perform a successful act. There are few better examples of this than pharmacy automation...

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What You Need to Know About Chronic Care Management

May 18, 2023

More often than not, patient care is more than just a single prescription. Sometimes, a patient only needs a single order for azithromycin and methylprednisolone, and they’re on their way. For others, however, their health issues aren’t so clear-cut. Some health journeys are bumpier than others due to chronic disease. Patients have these ailments for the long haul. This is where chronic care management comes in. Chronic care management plays a vital role in your independent pharmacy...

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Illustration of a cellphone, smartwatch and stacks of technology that read "AI." The background is a purple gradient with light pink rectangles.

Learn About the Tech That is Transforming Patient Care

May 4, 2023

Technology and pharmacy work go hand in hand. Innovation in technology urges independent pharmacies to keep up and vice versa. It’s all about delivering exceptional patient care and keeping your small business afloat. But let’s take a moment to look beyond the workplace. This isn’t about the hectic pharmacy workflow that you know and surely love. Innovation in patient care is not exclusive to a single location. Technology plays a key role in all aspects of your life. Likewise, it can have a...

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The Ins and Outs of Proper Medication Storage and Disposal

April 27, 2023

Medication storage involves more than just putting them on your shelves. And medication disposal is a bit more complex than throwing them in the trash. But you already know that. Medication storage is an essential part of your independent pharmacy’s success. While some of it involves physical maintenance like dusting your shelves, medication storage requires your usual care and attention to detail. Here’s how you can take your medication storage and disposal methods to the...

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What You Need to Know About DIR Fees in 2024

April 20, 2023

As you know, running an independent pharmacy means you’re running a small business. Apart from your healthcare and patient care expertise, you must have a business mind. You have to cross your t’s and dot your i’s to ensure your independent pharmacy stays afloat. You’re likely no stranger to the frustrations of the business side of pharmacy. Whether it’s inventory problems or the growing presence of pharmacy benefit managers, you likely have a strong opinion on the financial side. Then we...

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Illustration of a man trapped in a medication bottle. There is a yellow caution sign floating outside of the bottle. The background is a purple gradient with vertical white lines.

Manage Opioid Abuse with These Tips

April 13, 2023

The opioid crisis has been ongoing for several years, if not decades. It results from doctors liberally prescribing the medication to patients, who then develop a dependence, and then an addiction. It has ravaged households nationwide and caused irreparable damage to patients’ health. The opioid crisis is nothing new for both independent pharmacists and patients. It has drastically changed your workflow regarding how you fill and even input those prescriptions. No matter how familiar you a...

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Illustration of a computer screen displaying three customer profile images with the text "Customers," underneath. There is a vertical striped storefront shade positioned on the screen, above the customer profile pictures. Besides the computer are bar and line graphs and a microscope. The background is a purple gradient with vertical white lines.

Get Up to Date with These Digital Pharmacy Trends

April 6, 2023

It’s essential to stay with the times. The industry is constantly evolving, and trends change all the time. Regarding your independent pharmacy, staying with the times can make or break your small business. Understanding digital pharmacy trends is essential to your independent pharmacy’s long-term success. This also goes beyond solvency — these new trends can open new doors toward exceptional patient care. Here are some digital pharmacy trends that can enhance your independent pharmacy’s...

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An illustration of a light bulb amongst gears and two speech bubbles. The background is a purple gradient with white vertical lines.

How to Enhance Pharmacy Workflow

March 30, 2023

If you can count on the pharmacy industry for anything, it’s that you’re likely in for a busy day. Pharmacy work is never boring — there’s always something to do, some problem to solve. Like morning traffic, it takes one swerve to disrupt the general flow. One little mistake can set the wrong tone for the rest of your day. Pharmacy work is a well-oiled machine, so you need to adjust to any change at a moment’s notice. Your pharmacy’s workflow needs to be as efficient and adaptable as possible...

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Illustration of a pill bottle floating in air, turned downward, spilling medication tablets. There is a red circle with an exclamation point next to the bottle. The background is overlayed with large medication tablets. The background is a purple gradient with vertical white lines.

What is Medication Misuse? + 3 Ways to Handle It

March 23, 2023

Patient care is more than filling a prescription on time. It’s also more than giving them an annual flu shot or COVID booster. Sometimes patient care has nothing to do with dispensing medications — sometimes it has to do with the exact opposite. Medication misuse continues to be an integral part of patient care. Handling it requires compassionate yet firm leadership. It’s never an easy conversation to have with your patient, but it’s your responsibility as a healthcare professional. It’s...

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Illustration of an open traditional mailbox with a bottle of medication and stray pills sitting on top of the mailbox door. The background is a purple gradient with transparent pink rectangles and white lines on top of it.

Why You Should Consider Home Delivery Pharmacy Services

March 16, 2023

The pharmacy industry is constantly evolving. Independent pharmacies are expected to be more than just a place where patients pick up prescriptions. Likewise, your pharmacy software system should have features that further modernize your small business. As the industry evolves, so do ways for patients to receive their prescriptions. Sometimes the most efficient way to pick up prescriptions doesn’t involve the pharmacy. Enter the home delivery pharmacy program. You’ve almost definitely...

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How to Handle the Latest Pharmacy Technician Shortage

March 9, 2023

A pharmacy’s success can ebb and flow according to real-life events. Like any small business, your independent pharmacy must adjust to whatever comes its way. Conflict and adversity are inevitable, so planning ahead for the oncoming storm is essential. Shortages are a common part of modern-day businesses, mainly due to the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it has hit the pharmacy industry in many ways. It has changed how you work, clean your pharmacy, and your entire...

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Illustration of a calendar with pencils and medication lying around it. The background is a purple gradient with pink waves and white horizontal lines.

How to Get the Most Out of Med Sync Services

March 2, 2023

Pharmacy work goes beyond the pharmacy. As a healthcare professional, you know a patient’s health journey is neverending. Likewise, helping your patients achieve a clean bill of health can be a lifelong endeavor. Your patients lead busy lives, where picking up their medications can be too time-consuming. Repeat visits further exacerbate this. Your patients hold convenience in high regard. The more convenient you make their pharmacy visit, the more likely they will return. That’s what...

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Illustration of a perscription note, a computer screen displaying a patient's information, a syringe, a vaccine bottle, and stray medication pills. The background is a purple gradient with vertical white lines.

How to Earn More Revenue With Clinical Pharmacy Services

February 23, 2023

The pharmacy industry is always advancing. New innovations in technology also offer new opportunities to generate revenue. Independent pharmacies are small businesses after all. You know that selling prescriptions is hardly the only way to make a profit in your independent pharmacy. Furthermore, you probably already offer a slew of clinical services that provide a big financial boost to your independent pharmacy. Progress is the name of the game, and you’ll want to take advantage of as many...

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Illustration of a target with an arrow attatched, bar graphcs and lines. The background is purple gradient with horizontal white lines.

What You Need to Know About Financial KPIs

February 16, 2023

In the world of business, success is a long game. A successful business enjoys sustained streaks of success, not settling for a short-term, flash-in-the-pan moment of triumph. With that in mind, it’s essential to know how your business succeeds and how you can harness that winning spirit toward other parts of your business. This is where key performance indicators (KPIs) come in. To run a successful business, you need to know your strengths and why they’re strengths. This is the case in the...

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What To Look For in a Pharmacy POS System

February 9, 2023

You’ve typed up the prescription. You’ve four-pointed it, filled it, and visually verified it. Now it’s time to give the medication to your patient. The process of selling prescriptions seems like a relatively simple one. However, there is more to the point-of-sale process than meets the eye. Selling a prescription goes beyond conducting a transaction. All sorts of factors come into play when at the last stage of the prescription process. Though there are a few lesser talked-about aspects...

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The Ins and Outs of ACOs (Accountable Care Organizations)

February 2, 2023

You spend money to make money. Likewise, you need to save money to maintain a genuine profit. As a healthcare professional, you want your money’s worth with all the services you provide and the prescriptions you sell. Accountable care organizations embody this idea. Overspending is common in all fields of business and healthcare, and ACOs are a direct response to this. Learn how ACOs work and how you and your pharmacy software system can reduce spending within the industry.

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Illustration of a broom, dustpan, trash bag and trash can. The background is a purple gradient with vertical light pink waves and horizontal lines.

Spring Clean Your Pharmacy With These 5 Tips

January 26, 2023

Now that you’re past the hectic holiday season, it’s time to take stock — literally. The new year and the incoming spring season are the perfect time to start fresh. Pharmacies are a chaotic environment: you and your pharmacy staff constantly fill and sell prescriptions, usually at an urgent pace. Before you know it, your independent pharmacy becomes cluttered with unnecessary products. Now that the ice is thawing, it’s time to clean your pharmacy and give it a light — but needed — facelift...

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Illustration of a person taking notes while staring at two computer screens both displaying customer reviews of a product. The background is a purple gradient with vertical lines.

What to Look for in a Pharmacy Software System Review Site

January 19, 2023

Picking a pharmacy software system shouldn’t be an impulse decision. Your software is essential in meeting your pharmacy’s long-term and short-term goals. It’s essential to be mindful and cautious of which software best suits your needs. There is no one-size-fits-all software. Each pharmacy software system has its own quirks and characteristics. Your final decision needs to be well thought out and definite. There are many ways to help you on this road of crucial decision-making. Almost all...

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Illustration of a patient facing a computer, and a pharmacist is presenting information to the patient. The background is a purple gradient with horizontal lines.

Be the Best Online Pharmacy with These Tips

January 12, 2023

The name of the game is adaptation. For independent pharmacies, being ahead of the curve is essential. Innovation is basically a prerequisite for running your small business. There are plenty of avenues you can go through to further modernize your independent pharmacy. All businesses are jumping into the online marketplace, which customers find more convenient than waiting in long lines. Though your independent pharmacy might not be as crowded as before, there are still plenty of ways to max...

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Which Pharmacy Software Do Customers Stick With?

January 5, 2023

That’s what some independent pharmacies end up asking themselves when it comes to their software system. They may have been satisfied at first, but it gets to a point where they realize their software vendor is no longer a good fit. With a bad software system, pharmacies can lose valuable, time, money, and resources. How can you ensure you don’t end up in the same situation? If you’re researching vendors to find a new software system for your pharmacy, it can be helpful to know which vendors...

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An illustration of a patient sitting at a desk across from a robot pharmacist who is on a computer. There is a metal cart filled with purple and yellow medication bottles and a robot pharmacy tech is holding papers and handing the pharmacist a medication bottle. The background is a purple gradient with pink holographic rectangles on top and white horizontal lines.

AI in Pharmacy: What You Need to Know

December 29, 2022

Is it a passing fad? Or is it here to stay? The pharmacy industry focuses more on automation and convenience than ever before. Patients have high expectations for their pharmacies and for good reason. You, your staff, and your independent pharmacy all play an integral role in your patient’s health. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the latest technological innovation that is taking the world by storm. Though AI has played a role in the tech industry for decades, it has never become more access...

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An illustration of a scale with coins on it, a calculator, bill receipt and medication bottles. The background is purple gradient with vertical slanted lines.

How Pharmacy Claims Reconciliation Can Impact Your Pharmacy

December 22, 2022

The business side of running a pharmacy is sometimes as important as the healthcare side. You’re operating a small business, so you must ensure that you’re getting properly compensated for your work. That’s what pharmacy claim reconciliation is all about. It’s making sure you’re properly reaping the benefits of your hard work. Just like the rest of the pharmacy industry, pharmacy claims reconciliation can look overly complicated and intimidating — which isn’t incorrect. Nevertheless, it’s...

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An illustration of of a female pharmacist standing in front of a large computer displaying customer reviews and text. Behind the woman is a bar graph displaying data. Beside the computer are 5 stars in a vertical row. Around the scene are gears of various sizes. The background is a purple gradient with vertical lines.

What Makes People Like Their Pharmacy Software System?

December 15, 2022

Picking a pharmacy software system is a long-term investment. You want to find a great match for your pharmacy and be satisfied with your decision, not find yourself regretting it. This software system will help shape your pharmacy’s workflow and overall success. It’s a decision of great consequence and responsibility. The best point to start is to figure out exactly what fellow pharmacists look for in software. Customer satisfaction scores are a powerful metric to consider when evaluating...

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Illustration of a delivery person walking through door to enter into someone's living room. In the room there is one person cheering with their arms above their head, happy to see the delivery person, and another person on the couch holding a phone. In the middle of the living room is circular landing pad. Above the couch is a clock and next to the couch are holographic notifications from the phone. In the background there is a truck, medicine bottles and stray pills. The background is a purple gradient with vertical lines.

What to Know Before Getting an Independent Pharmacy Delivery Service

December 8, 2022

There is room for innovation in all aspects of pharmacy. You can optimize your pharmacy’s filling efficiency, your patient adherence, clinical services — the list goes on and on. Operating your pharmacy to its full potential always leaves room for improvement. In some cases, it goes beyond filling a prescription, how many vaccines you offer, or the slew of clinical services you have. In this case, it’s all about how your patients get their medication. With the industry focusing more on...

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Illustration of a computer, hourglass and pill bottle with stray pills laying in the foreground. A pen is floating next to the clipboard. The background is a purple gradient overlayed with pink/white rectangles in the background.

How to Make Filling a Prescription Faster + Easier

December 1, 2022

Modern-day pharmacy relies on clinical services and value-based care. The industry favors pharmacies that are doing more than just filling a prescription. Your independent pharmacy might have all the bells and whistles of the modern-day pharmacy, but sometimes you need to get back to the basics. You should be able to carry out all of the basic functions of a pharmacy: patient consultation, point-of-sale services, detecting drug-drug interactions, and — for the purposes of this blog — filling...

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Illustration of a pharmacist standing in front of 3 panels, each squares stacked on top of each other. On the floor beneath the pharmacist are arrows pointing forward, left and right. To the right of the pharmacist is a large microscope and above their head is a yellow question mark. The background is a purple gradient with pink waves and vertical lines.

Which Software Do Pharmacies Choose Most?

November 24, 2022

Choosing a pharmacy software system is one of the most important decisions you'll make as a pharmacy owner — but that doesn’t mean it isn’t challenging. To simplify the process, you should consider why you’re looking for a new pharmacy software system in the first place. In most cases, there are two main scenarios in which a pharmacy installs a new system: 1. conversion at an existing location. A pharmacy currently open and operating with a pharmacy software system might elect to switch systems.

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An illustration of a patient gesturing to a medication while speaking to a patient. The patient is taking notes. In the background is a large clipboard with a checklist attatched, and in the foreground are blister pills.

What is Patient Literacy? + 3 Ways to Help Your Patients

November 17, 2022

Pharmacy work is a balancing act of efficiency and accuracy. Patients want their pharmacy experience to be as convenient and seamless as possible, while still receiving exceptional service. It’s the second part of the “efficiency and accuracy” equation that we want to focus on here. Your job as an independent pharmacist is to give your patients medications in a simple, yet accurate, way. In the hustle and bustle of the job, there needs to be room to improve accuracy with patient literacy...

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An illustration of a large purple speech bubble displaying 5 empty slot shaped like stars. People are gathered on top of and around the speech bubble, holding golden stars and placing them into the empty slots. A person is on the side of the speech bubble, holding a star and gesturing to a holographic chart displaying a bar graph and a line graph. A pharmacist in a white jacket is giving the people a thumbs-up. There are two pill bottles and stray pills beside them. The background is a purple gradient with horizontal white lines on top.

What is the CMS Star Rating System? + 2 Ways to Get to the Top

November 10, 2022

Many factors determine your pharmacy’s success. It’s more than just how quickly you can fill a prescription. There’s the location of your pharmacy, the kind of pharmacy software system you use, how you interpret market research, and so much more. Then there’s the Star Rating system by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Though not specifically tailored to the pharmacy industry, it wields a massive influence on your pharmacy’s success. Here are the basics about the Star Rating...

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An illustration of a pharmacist talking to 2 patients. One patient is sitting in a chair with wheels and the other patient in standing behind the chair with their hand on the other patient's shoulder. In the background in a clip board with checkmarks on it. Beside the pharmacists are medication bottles and scattered pills. The background is a purple gradient with white vertical lines and pink/white gradient rectangles overlayed on top.

The Importance of Patient Adherence and How to Master It

November 3, 2022

As an independent pharmacist, you are providing a service that truly impacts and helps people’s lives. The medication you dispense helps your patients live their lives healthier — that is, if they take it as prescribed by the doctor. That’s where patience adherence comes in. The concept of patient adherence e is a well-known element of pharmacy work. However, with the advancement of technology and more automated services, there are ample opportunities to ensure your patients are taking the...

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An illustration of a smaller man using his hands to interact with a large computer screen. To the left of the man is another computer sitting beside a floating arrow which is pointing to the larger computer, signifying that the person upgrading from the small computer to the bigger one. Behind the man are 3 golden spur gears. The background is a light/dark purple gradient with pink/white gradient rectangles overlayed in the background.

What to Expect When Changing Pharmacy Software Systems

October 26, 2022

Change is slow. It’s tedious, patience-testing, and at times frustrating. However, it’s necessary to progress and improve our lives. Working in the pharmacy industry is all about taking on new challenges head-on, and having the best pharmacy software system will make things a little easier. Change is scary, especially when it concerns your pharmacy’s software. Jumping ship to another software is more than a mere facelift: it will lead to your pharmacy changing, both in subtle and grand ways...

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An illustration of purple dominos in falling on top of a white building that has the words, "PHARMACY" on it. The roof of the building is yellow and there is a red symbol with an exclamation point floating above the roof. On the side of the building is a man dressed in purple, holding his head with red expression marks around him, showing that he is shocked. The background is a purple/pink gradient with horizontal lines.

The Consequences of Choosing the Wrong Pharmacy Management Software

October 20, 2022

Cutting corners is perhaps the cardinal sin in the pharmacy industry. Although much of pharmacy work is fast-paced and urgent, you’re required to make thoughtful and informed decisions in the heat of the moment. Knowing this, you’ll want all parts of your independent pharmacy to be greater than the sum of its parts. There’s arguably no aspect of your pharmacy work more important or consequential than your pharmacy management software. Picking a pharmacy management software is like choosing...

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An illustration of a computer with a holographic screen displaying graphs popping out of it as well as a megaphone. Next to the computer is a phone laying down with the screen up, projecting 5 stars floating above it as well as a thumbs up, heart and default image icon. Floating above the phone is a piece of mail. The background is a purple gradient with pink waves and horizontal lines.

How You Can Master the Art of Pharmacy Advertisement

October 13, 2022

If a pharmacy delivers exceptional service and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Operating an independent pharmacy means you’re also running a small business. Marketing and advertising are both hallmarks of keeping your business afloat. In essence, you must deliver the goods while also ensuring everyone knows about it. Pharmacy advertisement can be a tightrope act, but it’s necessary to master. Your independent pharmacy won’t be the talk of the town if no one has heard of...

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Illustration of a person with a clip board looking at a computer with a holographic screen popping out of it. Behind the computer are white boxes and a medication bottle with stray pills sitting around it. On the otherside of the pharmacist is a shelf of medication bottles with white boxes behind it. The background is a purple gradient with light vertical lines.

5 Ways to Master Pharmacy Inventory Management

October 6, 2022

Getting rid of a little extra clutter never hurt anyone. Pharmacy inventory management is an essential element of your small business’s day-to-day operations. Whether you’re looking from a healthcare or financial standpoint, having a medication upon request is what a pharmacy is all about. As we enter a holiday season full of seasonal vaccines and vacation overrides, ensure that your independent pharmacy has all the medications, vaccines, and medical supplies that your community will need...

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An illlustration of a card reader printing a receipt, surrounded by stacks of coins, and a pen. Floating in the background is a credit card, and holographic documents. The background is a purple gradient with horizontal lines.

5 Things to Know About Pharmacy Billing

September 29, 2022

Hardly anything in the pharmacy industry is straightforward. The same goes for pharmacy billing, which is a process that involves the pharmacy, the patient’s insurance plan, and the patient themselves. As an independent pharmacist and small business owner, you must ensure that your work is properly compensated — and that the patient is being billed accordingly. Pharmacy billing is yet another complex concept that shapes the entire industry. Nevertheless, knowing its in and outs is necessary...

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Illustration of a golden robot with a sheild, gaurding a stone wall fortress. Inside the fortress is a large floating golden shield with an illustration of a lock on the front. Around the fortress are masked theives dressed in black. There is a floating golden key, and below are floating log-in boxes containing astericks, hiding a password and username. The background is a purple gradient with horizontal lines.

6 Essentials in Protecting Patient Information

September 22, 2022

Pharmacy operations go beyond dispensing medications. They even surpass offering quality clinical services or achieving high customer ratings. It’s easy to sometimes forget that your independent pharmacy holds extremely sensitive information about your patients. In this way, protecting patient information is critical to your operations.Knowing a patient’s health journey requires knowing them in a very personal and vulnerable light. Naturally, you’re held to strict HIPAA policies, and...

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An illustration of a scientist using a holographic screen. Infront of the scientist is a purple microscope, and beside that are test tubes filled with purple and yellow liquids and a stand of DNA floating above a bay.

The Power of Lab Testing

September 15, 2022

In the never-ending quest to expand an independent pharmacy’s capabilities, you need to look above and beyond what’s currently expected of the industry. You can look to automated services to make your work life a little easier or clinical services to bring in a larger customer base. Enter lab testing, an overlooked but potentially lucrative avenue for your independent pharmacy. Just like clinical services, direct-to-consumer lab testing can make your pharmacy a more attractive and convenient...

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3 angry men gathered around shelves holding only 2 medications bottles. A sign hangs above the shelves that says "Out of Stock" with a red warning symbol next to it.

6 Ways to Manage Drug Shortages

September 8, 2022

The independent pharmacy industry encourages you to be ahead of the game. The most successful pharmacies are the proactive ones that take action and take care of problems before they grow into something even more serious. Drug shortages are nothing new in the industry, but the COVID-19 pandemic has only made things worse. Shortages of maintenance medications and vaccines have become more frequent, making pharmacies scramble to figure out how they can fill their empty shelves. Your...

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Phone translating conversation between a patient and a doctor

5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Medical Translation Service

September 1, 2022

One overlooked aspect of pharmacy work is language. Not everyone in the world speaks English fluently, so it’s up to the pharmacy and its software system to give patients the attention and care they need, just like anyone else. Translation or interpretation can be a tricky thing, with different languages often butting heads with each other when trying to convey the same thought. As you’ll see, the consequences of leaving medical translation to chance can be fatal. Here are 5 ways your...

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Illustration of an hourglass surrounded by gears and a lightbulb with a purple gradient background

6 Signs You Need to Change Your Pharmacy Software

August 25, 2022

You should never settle for less, especially when it comes to your pharmacy software system. Much is asked of you and your independent pharmacy, so you’ll naturally want your pharmacy software to help handle whatever comes your way. Choosing a pharmacy software system shouldn’t feel like you’re settling for “second best” or “good enough.” You should want to go above and beyond the call of duty, which means you’ll have to be brutally honest about whether or not your software is really working.

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Computer surrounded by a credit card, test results, and syringe

These Are the 4 Pharmacy Services You Need to Try Right Now

August 18, 2022

It’s always important to stay ahead of the game, and there are several proven ways to do it, including trying out innovative pharmacy services.‍ As you make your pharmacy as current and appealing as possible, adding new pharmacy services — and relying on your pharmacy software system to seamlessly integrate them — will make your independent pharmacy stand out from the rest of the pack. ‍If you're looking to get ahead, try out these 4 pharmacy services, along with tips and tricks for...

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Computer screen projecting graphs, small people adjusting graph

How Customer Relationship Management Creates Strong Connections

August 11, 2022

Ever find yourself asking why your pharmacy can’t quite keep repeat customers? Why people are opting for the competition down the street? Was it something you said? Or, rather, was it how you said it? All of these factors and so much more make up the essence of customer relationship management, a vital tool in helping prolong your independent pharmacy’s success. One of the most basic ways to ensure your business remains up and running is to develop a relationship between you and the...

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Graphs, pie chart and magnifying glass

How to Make Market Research Your Best Friend

August 4, 2022

If you’re wondering how you can improve your pharmacy’s workflow or how your customers see your business, then look no further than market research. Defined by the Small Business Association, market research “blends consumer behavior and economic trends to confirm and improve your business idea.” Understanding the needs of your customers is extremely important, allowing you to invest and focus on elements that need a little more care and attention. It gives you a blueprint on how to...

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3 professionals communicating

How PSAOs Empower Independent Pharmacies

July 28, 2022

In a previous blog, we went over what role pharmacy benefit managers play in the independent pharmacy scene. They are essentially negotiators meant to help pharmacies get the best services within their means. PBMs aren’t always on your side, however. They can make negotiations more difficult than it needs to be, making the process that they’re supposed to simplify even more convoluted. Enter pharmacy services administrative organizations. (PSAOs)...

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Clipboard with survey on it surrounded by illustrations of customer reviews, five stars and emoji faces

How to Boost Your Pharmacy’s Review Scores

July 21, 2022

Working at a pharmacy is demanding enough, but there are other aspects of the work that can easily go unnoticed. Customer reviews or surveys are a key factor in shaping your customer base and ultimately determining your independent pharmacy’s success. Reviews will determine if on-the-fence customers will choose to go to your pharmacy. You’re a local business, so it’s important to have the voices of your community heard, and you’ll want those voices to be positive ones...

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Illustration of pharmacist and manager about to shake hands. Behind the pharmacist is a pharmacy and a large purple pill bottle. Behind the manager are a series of graphs exhibiting positive values and coins.

What You Need to Know About Pharmacy Benefit Managers

July 14, 2022

It’s hectic enough being an independent pharmacist. Every decision, no matter how big or small, rests on your shoulders. You’re highly involved in just about every single aspect of how your business operates. However, there is one part of the industry that is sometimes beyond your control: prices. Enter pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs). PBMs are defined as “companies that manage prescription drug benefits on behalf of health insurers, Medicare Part D drug plans, large employers, and other...

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Multiple stands with computer, pharmacy, car, graph and phones on top

4 Ways to Maximize Your Pharmacy’s Profits

July 7, 2022

Owning an independent pharmacy is ultimately a business venture, so having a mind for the financials is an absolute necessity. That’s especially true when it comes to the world of independent pharmacy. It’s a field that’s always changing, ever-evolving to new scientific breakthroughs and adapting to the latest market trends. The best way to maximize your pharmacy’s profit is to stay current with the latest developments or trends. Customers will almost always opt for the most convenient and...

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2 people holding magnifying glasses, looking at computer screens

What to Look for During a Pharmacy Software Demo

June 30, 2022

Your time is valuable, especially when trying to figure out what software system fits your pharmacy’s needs. As an independent pharmacist, the software you choose to help your day-to-day operations will greatly shape the success of your business. Your software needs to be easy to use and intuitive but also able to handle the hectic demands of the holiday season and rush hour. But how can you find the right one for your pharmacy? That’s where demos come in. Demos allow you to try out a pharmacy

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Person facing monitor

Everything You Need to Know About EnterpriseRx Pharmacy Management Software

June 23, 2022

In the healthcare space, McKesson is a well-known name. Taking its nearly 200 years of experience in the industry, McKesson creates technology, solutions, and systems designed to improve efficiency for healthcare workers — pharmacists included. Among McKesson’s many solutions for pharmacists is EnterpriseRx, its standard pharmacy software system. But does McKesson’s software system live up to its reputation? Read on to learn more about EnterpriseRx, including its prices, features, functionalitie

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Image of mortal and pestle

An Inside Look at SRS Pharmacy Systems

June 16, 2022

On your hunt for the perfect software system, you’ve probably done your fair of scouting out options, comparing prices, and considering which system will be the best fit for your pharmacy. Maybe you’ve kept a notepad, made a spreadsheet, or created a mental list of all your options. By now, you’ve probably looked at larger vendors — including PioneerRx, McKesson, and Micro Merchant Systems — but have you considered smaller, well-supported options, like SRS Pharmacy Systems? SRS Pharmacy Systems

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Image of BestRx software

A Complete Breakdown of BestRx Pharmacy Software

June 9, 2022

Independent pharmacists strive to give the best care, at the best price, with patients’ best interest in mind. In return, you deserve the best technology to ensure the success of your pharmacy. Sitting in the top spots for pharmacy software systems is BestRx Pharmacy Software, which is chosen by over 1,3000 independents across the country. But how does BestRx compare to other systems when it comes to price, features, and functionalities? Read on to learn more about BestRx, including how it's....

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Looking to Buy Liberty Software? Read This First

June 2, 2022

Picture bright white lights, red textured floors, and slot machines lining the aisle. Imagine roulette wheels, pool tables, poker chips, and plenty of cards to go around. You’ll see people scratching coins, cutting decks, and crossing their fingers that luck’s on their side.‍Here, at the casino, you’ll see winners; you’ll see losers; but no matter what, you’ll see people who are willing to take a gamble.‍But gambling isn’t just for the casino. Every day, you take gambles in life and business...

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Image of computer and software

Your Guide to NRx Pharmacy Management Software

May 26, 2022

There’s something to be said about being the first to do something new. You’re the first to invent, innovate, and bring something totally new to the table. You’re ambitious. You’re original. And if you do it right, you’re bound to see success, even after everyone else falls in line behind you. Enter the world of QS/1 Pharmacy Management Software. Today, there are hundreds of independent pharmacy management systems on the market, but only one gets the claim to fame for starting it all. QS/1 has..

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Image of ComputerRx software

All About Computer-Rx Pharmacy Software

May 19, 2022

There are plenty of fish in the software sea: big and small, the industry sees them all. But as you sail to new shores, you need a software system that can ride the waves of change and keep your pharmacy afloat, in good times and bad. But not all systems are created equal — so if you want to find the right fit for your pharmacy, you should weigh your options accordingly. As you start your search for a new pharmacy management system, it’s important that you get the facts, read the reviews, and...

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Image of pharmacy software PrimeRx

Read This Before You Buy PrimeRx Pharmacy Software

May 12, 2022

Whether it’s buying your dream car or taking a trip to your favorite far-away destination, if you’re going to be spending big, you want to make sure you’ll be happy with your purchase. In anticipation, you’ll weigh options, read reviews, and call up friends and family to get their input. You’ll spend some time thinking, debating, contemplating — and then, after some time, you might decide to pull the trigger. After all, big purchases come with even bigger stakes, so you want to make sure you....

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Image of Rx30 software graphic

Everything You Need to Know About Rx30 Pharmacy Management Software

May 5, 2022

On every street corner, you’ll find a different store offering a different product or service. In a quick skip down the road, or in a short stop online, you can find any number of foods, fun experiences, or other products you can’t seem to be without. You can fill your cart, add to your bag, and walk away happy with the products you’ve bought. And if something doesn’t suit your fancy, you can simply stop at the next store and find what you want. That’s because, in today’s market, options are....

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Image of software and PRX icon

The Complete Guide to PioneerRx Pharmacy Software

April 28, 2022

As you start your search for a new pharmacy management system, it’s important that you get the facts, read the reviews, and weigh your options appropriately. To aid you in this effort, we’ve compiled everything you need to know about PioneerRx Pharmacy Software. Read on to learn all about PioneerRx, from its founders to its features to how it’s rated among pharmacists — and find out if this system is the right pick for your business. PioneerRx Pharmacy Software is one of the newest systems on...

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Image of benefits and pharmacy software

What Are the Benefits of a Pharmacy Management System?

April 21, 2022

Take a minute to think about the people on your team. From cashiers to clerks to trained pharmacists and techs, each of your employees brings a different set of skills to the table. It might be clinical expertise, it might be customer service, or it might be a commitment to showing up every day and trying their best. No matter the role or responsibilities, each team member is valuable. You need them all to succeed. Even still, you might be missing a final team player to round out your roster....

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Image of pharmacy software features

What are the Features of a Pharmacy Software System?

April 14, 2022

If you didn’t know, now you know: your pharmacy management system is the most important tool money can buy. It’s the backbone of your business and essential to every operation you perform, every day. In your independent pharmacy, you do a lot of things: from filling scripts to performing services to submitting claims. One tool, though, brings each task together and ensures your ship sails smoothly: your pharmacy software system. Different software vendors offer different capabilities, at differ

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Image of software balance and comparison

What Are the Best Pharmacy Software Systems on the Market?

April 7, 2022

If you’re tired of sifting through reviews, sitting through demos, and feeling further and further away from finding the right software system for your pharmacy, your road ends here. Lights, camera, action: today, we’re presenting the best of the best, the cream of the crop, the top pharmacy management systems on the market right now. Forget the paid ads, the biased reviews, and the mix of misinformation that can leave you reeling. Instead, we’re giving you real reviews from real pharmacists....

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Image of computer with purple overlay and icons floating around

How to Choose a Pharmacy Software

Choosing a new pharmacy software is an important decision. It’s like getting a new phone or a new car - you’ll be using it every day, so you want to make sure you do your research and make the right investment. Whether you’re opening a new pharmacy or looking to convert from your current pharmacy system, you should keep some factors in mind when evaluating your options. Managing your pharmacy business while providing quality patient care to your community is something your software...

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Image of notepad with data and graphs

What is Direct Opinions?

Customer reviews can be difficult to screen for validity when there are usually other factors at play. Many review sites display paid reviews or even allow companies to bid against each other to get higher rankings. Reviews could be outdated and no longer relevant to their current state of the company. It’s also limiting in the sense that you are only seeing reviews from the type of people who would go out of their way to write a review. This may be skewed to people who are either very upset...

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