Your pharmacy software system does a lot for you: it manages prescriptions, tracks inventory, ensures compliance, streamlines patient communication, and — most importantly — enables you to care for your patients.

But, while your stand-alone system does so much, it can do even more with integrations.

Pharmacy software integrations connect your standard PMS to external software platforms, giving you even more features in the software and functionalities in your pharmacy.

Instead of using a dozen different software platforms, integrations allow you to keep them all in one place: your pharmacy software system. In the process, integrations can save you time, money, and the learning curve of a new system.

From a patient care perspective, integrations can automate routine tasks, reduce errors, and ensure seamless data exchange with other healthcare providers so you have more time for services.

In turn, they can lead to better patient outcomes all around.

If you haven’t already thought about adding integrations to your pharmacy software system, now is the time.

Every vendor offers different integrations (check their website to find out which ones), but here are six that you might want to consider for your pharmacy software system.

1. Automated Dispensing Systems (ADS)

If your pharmacy spends too much time filling scripts — and not enough time on services — look to automated dispensing systems (ADS).

An ADS integration automates the dispensing process so that you spend less time counting pills and more time connecting with patients.

The integration connects your software directly to ADS units, transmitting script requests to the systems and filling those scripts accurately and efficiently.

In your software, you can track dispensing activity in real-time, manage inventory levels, and receive alerts for low stock or dispensing errors.

Popular automated dispensing integrations include:

2. Electronic Medication Administration Record (eMAR)

In independent pharmacy, documentation is everything. eMARs can help digitize that process so that documentation is easy.

And, if there’s anything that makes eMARs even easier, it’s an integration with your pharmacy software.

An eMAR integration replaces paper-based MARs and enables you to access patient medication records, document administrations in real-time, and track medication adherence.

eMARs can also be sent back and forth with other providers to ensure collaboration of care.

In the process, they can save you time, files, and paperwork.

Many eMAR integrations offer barcode scanning for medication verification, alerts for missed doses or potential errors, and integration with electronic health records (EHR).

By integrating eMARs into your pharmacy software, you can streamline documentation processes and collaboration, ultimately leading to better quality of care.

Popular eMAR integrations for your pharmacy software include:

3. Medical Billing

If your pharmacy submits medical claims on certain services — like COVID-19 vaccines — you can streamline those services with a medical billing integration.

Here’s how it works: In your software, you can transmit claims data to the billing platform.

Once received, the billing platform processes the claim, checks patient insurance coverage, and submits it to the respective insurance companies or payers electronically.

Upon approval, payment information is transmitted back to the pharmacy software, updating the patient's account and financial records automatically.

Medical billing integrations allow you to streamline the entire billing process, expedite the reimbursement cycle, ensure regulatory compliance, and reduce the risk of claims rejections.

Popular medical billing vendors include:

4. Telepharmacy Software

Telepharmacy services offer you and your patients much-needed time, convenience, and flexibility. And, thanks to integrations, telepharmacy just got even easier.

Telepharmacy integrations enable you to remotely access patient records, verify prescriptions, and provide medication consultations via secure audio or video calls — from right within your pharmacy software.

Within the pharmacy software, you can review patient profiles, medication histories, and any relevant clinical notes during virtual consultations.

Many telepharmacy platforms also include functionalities for secure messaging, file sharing, and electronic signature capture to streamline communication and documentation processes.

By integrating your telepharmacy services, you can reach more patients — especially in underserved areas — while maintaining patient engagement and medication adherence.

Popular telepharmacy software vendors include:

5. Outbound Messaging

Every pharmacist knows patient communication is key — and thanks to outbound messaging integrations, it doesn’t have to be a chore.

Outbound messaging integrations allow you to communicate with patients, other providers, and third payers through SMS, email, or automated voice calls.

For patients, you can send refill, pickup, and appointment reminders. For providers, you can request prescription status updates and refill authorization requests. For third-party payers, you can communicate about claims without ever picking up the phone.

You can even automate messages so that the software sends them out when triggered. In the process, you can save valuable time and resources.

Outbound messaging platforms include:

6. Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

If you prefer to make traditional phone calls, look to IVR.

An IVR is an automated phone system that interacts with callers, provides information, and decreases the amount of time you spend on the line.

IVR enables patients to refill prescriptions, check medication availability, or check their order status using voice commands or keypad inputs.

On your end, you can use IVR integrations to automate routine tasks like prescription refills, freeing up staff time. IVR can also provide callers with pre-recorded messages about pharmacy hours, location, or holiday closures.

Popular IVR vendors include:


A stand-alone pharmacy software system is powerful — but an integrated system is unstoppable. If you want to improve your operations and have more time for what’s important, consider integrations.

Ask your pharmacy software vendor about any of these integrations — and at what price they’re offered.

Often, integrations are cheaper than buying the platforms themselves; and they come with ongoing support from your pharmacy software vendor. It’s a win-win.

If you’re looking to take your pharmacy to the next level, then, don’t overlook integrations.