In the modern world, convenience is key.

In the past, patients looked to chain pharmacies to get quick and convenient care. In recent years, though, community pharmacies have stepped up to compete, giving patients a better option: quality care combined with convenience.

Community pharmacies have taken a number of steps to do this: they’ve adjusted their hours, they’ve installed new technology, and they’ve modified their workflow to be more efficient. Of all the measures that they’ve taken, though, one in particular has helped put them on par with larger rivals: delivery.

For patients who can’t make it to the pharmacy, delivery offers a simple, streamlined way to get the medications they need. With a quick call to the pharmacy, patients can get all of their refills and monthly must-haves delivered straight to their door: the ultimate kind of convenience.

With more flexible pickup options, patients are more inclined to call on their local pharmacy — instead of big-box chains — when they need them.

For community pharmacies, this means an opportunity to build a larger patient base and generate new streams of revenue. Plus, it offers a chance to provide the value-based care community pharmacies are known for.

If you haven’t started offering delivery services at your pharmacy, you should.

Although delivery comes with new opportunities, it also comes with new challenges. Luckily, your pharmacy software system can help to jump over the hurdles, making delivery a part of your daily routine rather than a daunting task. With reliable technology in your hand, you can get medication in your patients’.

From the First Fill to the Final Drop-Off

If you know anything about delivery, you know that the logistics can be tricky. From planning routes to organizing items in transit, delivering the doses that your patients need isn’t always easy.

No matter where you’re at in the process, your pharmacy software system can quickly and easily manage every step: from the first fill to the final drop-off.

Most software systems have a variety of features designed to make delivery easy. Some systems offer delivery capabilities within the software itself; some use separate add-ons and integrations; and some rely on their own mobile delivery applications, ideal for recording information on the go.

No matter the means they use, though, the top software vendors give you the tools you need to simplify prescription delivery. Using their technology, you can control the entire process, effectively expanding your services and increasing your bottom line.

The Capabilities You Need

With the right software, you can do a number of things.

First, you can access all of your delivery requests, with patient information and drop-off details included. With this delivery queue, you can create a fuel-efficient route that gets through your rotations as quickly as possible. If your software offers a mobile delivery app, you can even sync the delivery route with your phone’s map app.

Second, when you’ve made each stop and dropped off each delivery, you can make secure transactions from a point-of-sale system (which may also be tied to your mobile app). Using your POS, you can collect payments and signatures from patients, which can then be uploaded into your system.

And, third, after making your rounds, you can return to the pharmacy and find all of your files accurately reported in your software system.

With these capabilities, you can manage all parts of your delivery process: from picking up prescriptions to planning routes to taking payments. Depending on the vendor you choose, you may be able to customize your services and set up separate steps within your software system.

For example, you may be able to tack on delivery fees to a transaction or send automated messages about upcoming deliveries. The best vendors will provide you with added flexibility so that you can make your software your own.

To find out which capabilities which system offers, schedule a demo.


As community pharmacies vie against larger competitors, it’s important that they offer comparable services with a personal touch.

Delivery is just one of the many ways that your pharmacy can withstand the competition while proving your commitment to patient care. In a few simple steps, you can set up a personalized, profitable service that will keep patients coming from miles around.

Find the right pharmacy software system and get your delivery services started. Your competition already has.

Are you opening a new pharmacy, or looking to switch software vendors? Consult our in-depth software comparison to find the best option for you and your business.