How to Start a Med Sync Program in Your Pharmacy

More than 5,000 pharmacies offer med sync programs, according to the American Pharmacists Association. Medication synchronization, or med sync for short, is a program in which patients pick up all their medications on one day, not different days throughout the month.

How to Start a Travel Vaccine Service in Your Pharmacy

Roughly three-quarters of Americans (76%) have visited at least one other country, according to the Pew Research Center. While international travel can bring new experiences, opportunities, and connections, it can also bring new health risks that your pharmacy can minimize from right within your four walls.

8 Tips to Prevent Drug Interactions in Your Pharmacy

When you prescribe a medication to patients, you expect it to help them. Maybe it handles their high blood pressure, reduces their cholesterol, or eases chronic pain they may be facing. But, as a pharmacist, you also expect that you may face dangers. Enter the world of drug interactions.

4 Up-and-Coming Clinical Services Your Pharmacy Should Try

In 2024, your pharmacy probably already offers the basics: point-of-care testing, immunizations, chronic care management, and more. These clinical services are the foundation for many pharmacies, helping you improve your patients’ health journeys and open up new revenue streams for your pharmacy.

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